Pico de la Zarza

The highest mountain of Fuerteventura - Pico de la Zarza - isn't a giant with its 807m hight but very attractuve for me as a beginner in climbing.


I planned the way up with getting up at 6, having a breakfast in Jandía at the only bar open around this time - "Dulce de Leche" - and walking down the Avenida de Saladar just in timm for  sunrise.

As usual I took water, snacks, sunglasses and ear plugs with me. Never underestimate the wind and save your ears and eyes! And besides good shoes you also should wear a jacket against the cold.


On the map you'll find the way up but if you're out of the "civilisation" there is only one path to follow. Click on the point of the map to get more information and pictures.

The way from the centre of Jandía to the peak is around 8 kilometres long (one way) and it took me nearly 2,5 hours. Back down I was a bit faster.

The first kilometres were easy. I needed endurance but the path was wide and after some ups there came straight and easy roads. Higher and higher I walked uo into the clouds and the beach of Jandía behind me became smaller. Sunbeams broke through the clouds, mirrored in the ocean and I had to stop for taking photos again and again.

After one hour I was surrounded by clouds and I couldn't see more than 10 metres in front of me. The path became more narrow, the wind blew harder but now I saw more flowers. The sandy rocky landscape became a green hillside. And of course I saw goats.

I followed the path and was happy about the last kilometer to come, cause I thought that the end of my walk was near now. I was totally wrong! The slope increased that much, that there was a fence built around the peak area - maybe to save falling walkers? So I passed the gate and took the "stairs", which were big placed stones. I climbed. I cursed. I sweat even if it was cold and I looked like I had a shower seconds ago ^^ And seeing those clouds took all my hopes of a great view.

More than two hours and 8 kilometres later I arrived the peak. As expected: no view. Just grey clouds around me. But from principle and cause it wasn't a destination for package tourists, I withstanded all the weather and reached the top. What an indescribably feeling!

Now I took the time, to watch photos on instagram. Photos of people who reached the top on sunny weather and imagined the view  without clouds ^^

After a lunchbreak I went down again. Faster this time but hard for my legs, too. I was surprised, when I suddenly saw two goats running away from two dogs. And than two guys - obviously inhabitants - followed. We talked a bit and they offered me water. They came up here with their jeep - a nice idea for the next time, when it's nice weather! Cause I won't do that walk again without a "nice view guarantee".

The way down led me back to Jandá to the supermarket. Shortly before the guys with the jeep passed by, honked and showed me their thumbs up as a sign for respect.


I won't talk about my muscles aching the next days. Just saying: pool time without moving! ^^

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