Wasteland made of boulders, volcanic rock and sand... That's what most visitors might think after they arrive at the airport of Fuerteventura. And I have to admit: I thought the same. At each visit of the Island again. But the island is like a lot of people: you'll see the true beauty and exciting details when you take your time and have a closer look. I am not too superficial and consciously planned my trips far away from all those package tourists. So I am looking forward to take you with me to those wunderful and amazing places which make this island something special to me. I also documented the routes I took and was dealing with the public busses. Soon you gonna find more interactive maps and schedules.
And if you feel like you can follow the progress of my emigration plans cause my heart is beating for the open and friendly people, the weather and the landscape. Here I want to realize my dreams.
My maps are interactive. Click on the name of a city or a point of interest and you will see a short description and Pictures.
Until today I have discovered the island walking, by bike, motorbike and public busses or with a friend and his car.
... und bekanntlich mag ich kalte Jahreszeiten nicht. Hab mir direkt ne ordentliche Erkältung eingefangen :( Mein Rücken macht Fortschritte, dafür ist mein Fuß jetzt irgendwie verknackst. Wunderbar. Meine Mitbewohnerin ist eingezogen - meine Kater sind sehr zufrieden mit ihr ^^ - und ich schaue, worauf ich mich jetzt am besten konzentriere: wohl erstmal gesund werden.
... and as everyone knows I don't like the cold seasons. I already had a nice influeanca :( My back is getting better - but knwo there's pain in my foot. Awesome! I have a new room mate knwo - my cats like her ^^- and now I try to Focus on what's important: getting healthy!
Mein Reisebericht über meine Wanderung von Costa Calma nach Aguas Liques ist fertig :)
Finished my Journal about my walk from Costa Calma to Aguas Liques :)
Ich war nicht zu bremsen. Alle Busfahrpläne sind jetzt online. Also, falls mal jemand auf der Insel und zu betrunken ist, zum Autofahren... ^^
I couldn't stop myself and finished all the bus shcedules. So if you ever are on the Island and too drunk for driving a car... ^^
Jeannine, Born in 1987 in Berlin. I always enjoyed the capitals flair but I felt, that something's missing. After 16 years of "Holiday abstinence" I did my first big flight and immediately fell in love with Fuerteventura. I know it might have been the same with any other island I would have visited first, but that's life. Henceforth I spent my holidays there and I was excited about discovering new places, where you don't find tourists anymore. Places, the locals tell you about but don't know exactly where to go. Like searching a treasure.
This island shall become my home and starting point for traveling around the world, that I finally want to get to know.